Saturday, August 10, 2013

Being 43 is the best, man.

If anyone were reading the blog title, and I know no one is. But, in the event anyone read that blog title, they would immediately think I was referring to myself, the blogger. Oh, how I would love to be 43, but it is not so!

But, here's the good news.....I remember what being 43 was like. I could still see without glasses most of the time. My knees worked just fine. My boobs were, uh, structurally better.

However, when I was 43 I had not yet met my wonderful husband. At 43 I was working in a stressful job and should have killed some people. I would probably be out of prison by now. Back then I didn't have one single grandchild, and now I have two. I can have my boobs and knees fixed, and reading glasses are cheap, so I'm good.

So, "Happy Birthday" to my beautiful, smart, talented daughter who is 43 today. It should be me, but, if I have to give up 43 to anyone it would be you, Jilly Pooh.