Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Work for the Unemployed and Able-Bodied

I doubt I'm the only one who has observed that there are a great number of people who are unemployed but who are physically and mentally able to work.  Perhaps they are unskilled, inexperienced or lack confidence. Perhaps they are lazy or lack problem-solving skills. Maybe it's a worse-case scenario, and they like drawing unemployment or basking in the generous care of someone who supports them. Whatever the reason, let's not have anyone say, "I can't think of anything to do to earn money."

I have composed a list of possible jobs. Some of the jobs may require learning, certification or bonding. But, all of the jobs are do-able, and I guarantee there is a demand out there for people to perform these jobs. I find it fairly difficult to find people who are handy at many of these jobs, and I would gladly pay for some of this help! How about you?

"Dara's List of Possible Jobs for Unemployed and Able-Bodied People"

So, here's what you do. Look over the two- page list and mark the jobs you feel you would enjoy and/or can do better than most people. I will soon post another list that should also be helpful, "Dara's List of  How to Pick the Best Job for You and Market Yourself".

Sending wishes for inspiration,

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

This child doesn't have to try at all to be cute. It just comes naturally. He loves to play outside, ride tractors (priority!), and run hard.

He may have been a little surprised when this didn't turn out like expected.

Get ready for some sweetness. It may be too much to take.